Monday, 16 September 2013

September 16th 2013 – Ben is 2 Months Today
By Grace O’Reilly

Today my husband left for work after a quick cup of coffee leaving me with our two monkeys, 2 and a half year old Olivia, and our 8 week old son Benjamin.  Despite poor Ben suffering nappy rash and oral thrush and I suspect the starts of teething he continuously smiled and squealed at me and his big sister.  Olivia, slept late after being at the “Care Doc”, last night, diagnosis sore throat virus, was in good humour today and was a Mother Hen to her little brother.

We had a nice day, just chilling.  Livi managed to eat some toast and Ben is just a baby boy doll.  Love the two of them so much.  Livi watched “Peppa Pig” on DVD  (and allowed Ben to watch it too).  The two of them love each other so much as well, cooing at one another.  Livi says to me “Mummy, Ben a smile at me”, or when I change his nappy runs to me with the wipes or a nappy.  She will ask “I put his doddy in his mouth Mummy?”, or says matter of fact to me “I feed him, I do it”.  It makes my heart glow so much.

We went for a stroll down toward the Town in Gorey, Wexford to do some errands.  What a windy day it was?  Went to Aldi for extra pegs and they have any.  I lost the amount of times I had to re-hang the washing back onto the clothes line today with Billy Wind’s never ending tantrum, hurling our clean washing through the air.  Believe you me, there was an awful load (excuse the wording) of it with now having a toddler and a new born as well as my hubby and myself in the house, just built up so fast.  What a week, just didn’t get a chance with lots of things going on and so spend the evening sorting out 4 baskets of washing into separate piles, neat for my hubby to put away tomorrow.
It has gone real grey and dark and I am sorry to say I think our Summer has disappeared.  After a very basic dinner of chicken nuggets and potato waffles, Livi and I made Daddy a cheesecake as it was his Birthday the other day and he was working for it.  It is a mint choc chip and Malteaser cheesecake with a digestive and choc chip cookie biscuit base.  I licked the mix with Livi and it was Hevaen.  Heaven is now set in the fridge and I just want to get a fork and eat the entire heart shaped red dish of deliciousness within, but have the tinchiest bit of control so will just about wait unil tomorrow to dog in.

After making the cheesecake, the kiddies were bathed and put to bed and now I type and watch “Fair City” on RTE Player.  I had a week’s worth of it to catch up on.  It’s all happening in the soap at the moment.  Damien is a dirty dog, and Yvonne Doyle she always seems to find a way to be in the middle of people’s pain and suffering and add to it dramatically.  Not to mention all the Dillon mess, and a feuding Bishop clan.

I am tired after a nice weekend.  Saturday, some of our friends played “Atmosphere” (an extremely old video board game) followed by  “Cards Against Humainty” and had a few drinks.  My head and belly ached yesterday from the laughter (and some drink) that was had.  Havn’t relaxed that much for ages.
Going to head up and run a bubbly bath and light a candle while Ben snores and Livi (now finally asleep after having to take some toys from her bedroom to get her to sleep) sleeps.

Can’t believe Ben is 2 months today.  This time two months ago (or 8 weeks tomorrow) I was only 5 hours and a couple of minutes after my emergency section with our second beautiful baby.  He was 7lb 1oz and now I’d say heading for twice the size.  Healthy and happy like Olivia and that is all that matters. 
Tomorrow he gets his 2month injections (poor pet) and yesterday was 2 weeks until Mr’s BIG day, his Christening Day.  Still have to get his outfit, my outfit (as I typed outfit, Olivia called me and it was 22.40) and her shoes. As I said she just called me and we read Stick Man (great book), had cuddles, rang Daddy who is literally just finishing up who told her to go to bed and we got a hot milk.  Here’s hoping I get to have that bubbly bath. J
Happy two months Ben!
Good Night!!!! zzz


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